What’s new in …Nautical qualifications

There are hidden areas of Menorca that are full of charm but virtually inaccessible from the land. The most hidden coves and the most striking cliffs can only be truly enjoyed from the sea. So, the recent changes in nautical qualifications are interesting news for both lovers of the island and those with a love of sailing.

For those just starting out in navigation there are great benefits with this new legislation, whose main objective is the boosting and promoting the nautical hobbies. For example, it is no longer necessary to have an official qualification to navigate motor boats of five meters in length or for sailing boats of six meters.


Also, the original “Titulin” title has now been replaced by a Navigation License, which updates the knowledge and skills necessary to pilot a boat, and the remit of the existing nautical qualifications has been expanded, adapting them to the latest nautical trends.

The new nautical qualifications have to help to ensure that there are safe navigation practices on the sea and increase competence when compared to the qualifications from the other European countries with nautical traditions.

Big boat

There are several nautical schools in Menorca where you can obtain a new license or change the one you have for one that is approved according to the new regulations. If you would like another perspective of the Island, the sea could be a good place to start.