Discover the importance of a good energy certificate for your home

The energy certificate, or energy efficiency certificate, is a mandatory report issued by a professional technician which indicates the energy characteristics of a property. The purpose of this document is to ascertain the energy consumption of a home or premises based on the energy consumption needed to meet the energy demand of the property under normal operating and occupancy conditions.

The issue of the certificate means being assigned an energy rating that goes from A to G, the higher the letter meaning a property is less energy efficient.  In this article you will find several reasons why getting a high grading for your home is very important and in addition we will tell you how you can improve your home and obtain the most efficient rating.

Importance of the Energy Certificate

Obtaining a good energy certificate for your home means a saving in electricity and natural gas costs since the more energy efficient a home is, the lower the energy consumption and therefore the lower the household bills at the end of the month.

To achieve greater savings on domestic energy bills it is essential to choose the cheapest rates for electricity and natural gas according to your consumption needs. To do this it is recommended that you use a comparison site for natural gas and electricity which is free online. If you are unsure which is best – Endesa or Iberdrola or any other company then this site will help you find the cheapest to suit you. By signing up with the company with the cheapest rate you will increase the savings on your bills.

As well as achieving savings by using less energy, a higher energy rating has other benefits:

Revaluation of the property: An energy label A increases the value of your home to a potential buyer.

Eco-friendly: Efficient homes help improve the sustainability of the environment since they use less energy and take advantage of natural resources.


How to get a higher energy rating

Below you will find some tips to help improve your home in terms of energy efficiency and so achieve a higher rating in the next energy certificate.

  • Improve the thermal insulation of your home: Investing in a good lining for the walls will avoid temperature leaks and therefore less use of air conditioning.  You can also invest in double glazing and pay extra attention to gaps in doors and windows thus saving up to 50% in heating.
  • Use renewable energy: Installing solar panels or small wind turbines can save up to 80% of energy.  By generating your own energy you won’t have to use any, or at least as much, of the Spanish Electricity Network (REE).
  • Change to LED bulbs: Conventional light bulbs consume much more than LED bulbs which are more durable but a little more expensive.
  • Change your appliances:  Buy appliances with A+++ ratings and you will get savings of up to 60% compared with mid-range appliances.  You can have a look at this article published in 20 Minutes if you are unsure as to which appliances to choose.

These are just some of the recommendations that will help you get a better rating for your home’s energy efficiency certificate.  All the efficiency upgrades that you make will require an investment which will be recovered in the long term but will be noticed on your first energy